New Jersey Environmental Risk Management Fund


Environmental Alerts

Environmental Alerts are generated by the EJIF's Environmental Consultant, in response to new laws, regulations and policies that may have an effect on EJIF members.

These Environmental Alerts are meant to summarize and interpret the gamut of such environmental issues as solid waste enforcement, underground storage tank regulations and air emissions record keeping.

Recent Alerts

(11/23) 3M and DuPont National Settlements for PFAS Drinking Water Contamination Claims

(09/23) PFAS Litigation: 3M & DuPont Settlement & Potential Future Action

(02/23) Environmental Alert – February 2023: NJDEP’s Municipal Stormwater Permit: Hot Topics from the Latest Update

(08/22) NJDEP Seeks Applications for $10 Million in Competitive Grants for Stormwater Utilities & Resiliency Planning

(03/22) Tier A Municipal Stormwater General Permit Renewal

(03/21) Environmental Impacts of NJ Legalized Cannabis

(07/20) NJDEP Changes Municipal Stormwater Management Regulations

(09/19) 2019 EJIF Seminar: "New EJIF Seminar - Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasure (SPCC)"

(03/19) NJDEP's Municipal Stormwater Permit: Hot Topics from the Latest Update

(04/18) NJDEP Issues Revised Tier A and Tier B Stormwater Permits

(04/18) Changes to the New Jersey UST Regulations

(09/17) PFOS and PFOA Pose a Unique Threat to Municipal Drinking Water


(07/16) Property Acquisitions and the EJIF

(07/15) Periodic Testing & Construction Requirements for ASTs with Buried Piping Systems

(11/14) NJ Takes on Climate Change: What You Can Do to Plan

(09/14) New Generator Permit